
Keeping SIDMA College Clean and Safe

"Cleanliness is next to godliness." SIDMA College UNITAR Sabah has always placed special emphasis on the importance of having a fresh, clean and safe environment in order to motivate its staff and students alike to achieve higher levels of efficiency as well as providing a more conducive environment to work and study. By emphasising on a clean fresh space for study and work, it also marks the important step towards creating a positive learning environment for the students.

In order to ensure that the college buildings and facilities are regularly cleaned and maintained, SIDMA College, apart from having its own Property and Administration Department (PAD), Dr Morni Hj Kambrie, Founder and Chairman of SIDMA College, have appointed external cleaning company to ensure that the college buildings and facilities such atrium, toilets, lecture and tutorial rooms, administrative blocks and surrounding areas are always clean and safe. This is to send a clear message that the students and our clients are valued, and that the college is concerned with their comfort and welfare. It is also to encourage students to take pride in their college; which indirectly will inspire them to take care of their own surroundings, and also to improve their attendance by way of them loving the clean environment!

Other than that, during this week, while the students were having their year-end break, all SIDMA College’s male staff under the leadership of Mr Mudin Long organised a “Gotong Royong” to clean up the college neighbouring piece of idle land that has been overgrown with bushes, trees, shrubs and can be a potential ideal breeding area for mosquitos, snakes and more, which if not intervene immediately, the college might be hit by uninvited guests such mosquitos, which might led to untoward  incidents such malaria, dengue, etc. Interestingly, all ranks of staff regardless of whether they are managers, lecturers and support staff work together hand in hand to achieve the common goal – towards a “Cleaner and Safer SIDMA College”!

The proactive exercise on 16 January 2018 involved around 35 personnel equipped with parangs (Machete), chainsaw as well other tools needed to cut down the trees, shrubs as well as to clear the breeding areas for the uninvited inhabitants. Dr Morni started the event by giving safety briefing especially with the fact that power tools are used throughout the exercise.

Dr Morni when met after the event, was very pleased with the work done by his staff. He thanked them sincerely for their contribution, and also treat them for breakfast and lunch. Other than that, staff involved were also entitled for one day unrecorded leave.

By Teo Eng Seng and Zain Azrai Bin Mohd Noor,

SIDMA College UNITAR Sabah,

